- Although I myself do not have any “political ambition”, the possibility exists in my previous analysis that the Chinese government had been interested in my service. That possibility first came to my mind last August and it was the reason why I started this separate Chinese blog, with a dilemma-ish feeling.
- To borrow a phrase from President Bush, I have not always been able to see the Chinese government eye to eye, despite the above possibility.
- My approach to dealing with conflict was laid out in this blog entry a long time ago and consistent with Cecilia Zhang’s wishes.
- Memo to Mr. Bush: The Chinese leadership had no ill-intent against your great country and with all due respect, I think you knew it.
- 今天早上,我看到陈水扁果然向“台独”的方向又迈进了一步。说“果然”,那是因为尽管陈水扁口口声声说不改变现状,他的动作再一次清楚地向世人显示了到底是谁在企图改变台海现状。
- 最令我气愤的是,陈水扁竟然将自己的这种挑衅行为说成是带领台湾人民“做对的事,走对的路”。我注意到,他第一次说这种话是在2月3号,即在我最近一份关于张东岳命案的报告发表后不久。我在那份报告的前言中总结指出:张东岳命案是一个很基本的是非对错问题。显然,陈水扁是在利用公众对张东岳命案真相的不了解以及由这个事件引发的国际混乱;他的这种煽动性言论不仅是对台湾人民的欺骗,更是对小东岳在天之灵的亵渎。
- 我也注意到,当2月5号温哥华多元文化电视台“周日对话”节目讨论陈水扁的言行时,黎彦修竟然打电话进来说“不要理他”,再一次暴露了其阳奉阴违、搞阴谋、造冲突的本性。